Friday, December 15, 2017

final in video

the second  project was not as fun as it seemed . So we had to do a video about something .  I was with Gaven , storms and Michel . it didn't take that long , but we didn't get everything we needed. in the video we didn't have a voice over , background noise , and we didn't set up the white balance.  we learned how to use the camera , we learned that we don't work well together. the feed back was that we needed to have a better sold idea, not just pick one that no one wants to film.
what I change , I wasn't in a group with by bestie. yes it was fun to be in her group, but we didn't use time well. we would mess around . 

In the third video I had a friend my group, but I also had someone who made sure we worked on time and got it all done. it wasn't as much fun , but the video looks a lot better.The third video , we use time wisely. we had to go in after class to film. are video look more professional . we would finish early some days so we would look at what we can do the next day . I had Alex, Rachel,kate and Kevin . they were a great group.  Kate was helping the camera man. Alex was the camera man. Kevin was acting like the leader , but the one who was appointed leader was kate and Rachel was there for moral support.  I came up with the ideas and made sure that we could film on certain days.
 I like to make videos for my friends birthdays . I also make video for my little brothers youtube videos . its kinda dumb ,but he enjoys it so its fine.

my strengths  are editing the video. it not my favorite , but I'm no good with the cameras we use. my group made the new story about cyber patriots. it was fun , but I didn't know what it was . I could be able to use the big camera . I'm small so I'm afraid to drop the camera. I learned that you can get your video cut at any time. its ok though. are video was great and was better than a different class(mrs.smiths). there video wasn't that bad it was the sound.

I loved all the memories I made this semester and I hope I can make better one next semester. I would make sure everyone knows how to use the equipment. I learn to make sure people know your ideas and to stop being so shy. the fact that I don't like to talk to people I don't know as well is hard for me.

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