Monday, December 19, 2016

Quarter 2 Reflection

what are my areas of strength?

Im good at usings sketch up in animation & I have fun filming .

what are areas I need improve?

I need to be better at using my time, so i can get all my work done on time.

what did I love most about this semester?  

I love that we got to flim anywhere we wanted to. i like that we got that freedom .

what would I change or do differently?

I would not be in any videos . I don't like being in the videos , but I like to flim   

over all take-away or learning from this semester ?

I learned that its fun to be the one behind the camera ( or iPad)

one goal you would like to set for the next semester & final thought?

my goal for next semester is to use my time more wisely & if i don't have enough in class i could stay after school. i really enjoyed this class and it makes me want to do video next year.