how to do the moving back ground :
So.... we had to make a background move.Its not that hard , but drawing wasn't the easy . you had to come up with an idea.
you had to make sure that it would make since that it would be moving . Then you would have to start the drawing process.
my drawing process:
I had to come up with an idea. the teacher did a desert, so I took that idea and made it better. I made one of my catus have a topped.She also has a purse . There a pretzel in the background. it look weird now because its flowing in air. theres a bunch of fun thing that my teacher let me put on there.
one of my classmate drew a cactus . it the one with the face is a great. it made some of my classmates laugh. it was so much fun.
so.. we have a problem :
I can't put the animation in yet , but tomorrow I will put the animation.